
Senin, 13 Juli 2015

Best Qiyun Death Note Notebook Notebooks With feather Pen KTWJ283

Read Qiyun Death Note Notebook Notebooks With feather Pen KTWJ283

Now you can Qiyun Death Note Notebook Notebooks With feather Pen KTWJ283 with detailed description:

Product Description

Death Note Notebook Notebooks With feather Pen Brand NewThe book is about 10x14.5 cmThere are more than 40 pages' blankIt has rules and some names just as anime showed

Product Details

  • Sales Rank: #1374 in Toys & Games
  • Brand: Qiyun
  • Model: 4S-TOFP-02C8
  • Dimensions: .70" h x 6.80" w x 10.00" l, .50 pounds


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